RICAI 2023

Réunion Interdisciplinaire de Chimiothérapie Anti-Infectieuse (RICAI)

The 43th RICAI national conference will take place at the Palais des Congrès of Paris, on the 18 &19 December 2023.

RICAI (interdisciplinary meeting on antimicrobial chemotherapy) is the main French-speaking event on clinical microbiology and infectious diseases, gathering 2000 people every year in Paris.

Various topics are addressed, including:

  1. Bacteriology
  • Microbial epidemiology
  • Methods for diagnostic
  • Resistance: in vitro microbial activity; detection and mechanisms, epidemiology of the resistance

  1. Virology
  • Viral epidemiology
  • Methods for diagnostic
  • Resistance: in vitro antiviral activity; detection and mechanisms, epidemiology of the resistance
  • Emergent virus
  • Pathophysiology and virulence

  1. Parasitology and mycology

  1. Hygiene and management of infectious risks

  1. Clinic and therapeutic
  • Proper use and anti-infectious
  • Hepatitis
  • VIH infectious
  • Emergent pathologies
  • Infection in  communities
  • Infections of the immunocompromised
  • Nosocomial infections and healthcare-associated infections
  • Infectious pediatric
  • Vaccinology and prevention

For more information about the event, please access the website:


Contribution of the ABRomics consortium

Short presentation :

ABRomics : une plateforme intégrée multiomique pour la recherche sur la résistance aux antibiotiques et la santé publique

Julie Lao, Pierre Marin, Romain Dallet, Fabien Mareuil, Alix De Thoisy, Raphaël Tackk, Aurélien Birer, Nadia Goué, Richard Bonnet, Etienne Ruppé, Gildas Le Corguillé,[consortium ABRomics], Philippe Glaser, and Claudine Médigue.