ICCMg 2023

Welcome to the 8th ICCMg Conference !
This year, the 8th ICCMg Conference will take place in Geneva on 16 & 17 November 2023.
Register to this unique conference!

Metagenomics, based on next-generation sequencing (NGS), has been available for a decade and is now widely used for research purposes.

In parallel, clinicians are currently paying a growing interest in how NGS could help in the diagnosis and management of several diseases. In the field of infectious diseases, metagenomics has demonstrated its potential in the identification of pathogens and the inference of the antibiotic susceptibility profiles of bacteria. On a broader perspective, metagenomics of the intestinal microbiota has opened several opportunities in various clinical fields such as obesity, autism and cancer.

Cell Press LabLinks meeting ‘Antimicrobial resistance: from mechanisms to global implications’ will take place at the Geneva University Hospital on November 15th, 2023 and will be a satellite event of the 8th International Conference on Clinical Metagenomics. The aim of the meeting is to highlight the growing concern in global health posed by antimicrobial resistance, from the investigation of the mechanisms of resistance to the current clinical approaches against this challenge and its global perspective.

Main topics of the ICCMg conference, 16-17 November 2023 :

  • What’s hot in clinical metagenomics tools?
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Transmission
  • Modulation of the microbiota
  • Regulation
  • Clinical metagenomics and fungi