ABRomics is an online community-driven platform to scale up and improve surveillance and research on antibiotic resistance from a One Health perspective.


The ABRomics analyses platform is designed to analyze the AMR genes content of bacterial samples using two types of data:

How to fill metadata in the ABRomics analyses platform?

There are two ways to fill the metadata in the ABRomics analyses platform:

  • Directly on the upload form of platform
  • Or using an Excel document, that must follow a template of the platform

Metadata associated with templates on the platform

Genomic paired-end FASTQ

This metadata referential has 16 fields describing:

  • The biological sample
    • 7 mandatory
    • 5 optional
  • The isolated microorganism
    • 1 mandatory
  • The sequencing data
    • 3 mandatory

Biological sample metadata fields (12 fields)

Field nameDescriptionStatusValidationAccepted values
Sample IDID of the samplemandatorySample ID must be unique in the whole documentFree text
Strain IDName of the isolated strainmandatoryStrain ID must be unique in the whole documentFree text
Sample typeIndicate if the sample is collected on human, on animal or in an environmentmandatoryStrain ID must be unique in the entire documentSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials
Sample sourceSite of isolation of the samplemandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials
Host speciesSpecies of the hostmandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials
CountryName of the country in which the sample has been collectedmandatoryCountry english full nameSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials
RegionRegion where the sample has been collectedoptionalOne of the accepted valuesSee on ABRomics analyses platform
PlacePlace where the sample has been collectedoptionalOne of the accepted valuesSee on ABRomics analyses platform
Collected dateThe date of samplingmandatoryMust be a valid full date. For example: 07/10/2024Must be a valid full date
Travel countriesCountries where the host traveled to in the last 3 months prior to the samplingoptionalCountry english full name. If multiple countries, separate each by commaSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials
Accession numberAccession numbers associated with the sampleoptionalMultiple values should be split by ‘;’Free text
Sample commentAny comments on the sampleoptionalFree textFree text

Isolated microorganism field (1 field)

Field nameDescriptionStatusValidationAccepted values
Microorganism scientific nameScientific name of the isolated microorganismmandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials

Sequencing data metadata fields (3 fields)

Field nameDescriptionStatusValidationAccepted values
R1 fastq filenameName of fastq forward filemandatoryThe filename must end by “.fastq.gz”Free text
R2 fastq filenameName of fastq reverse filemandatoryThe filename must end by “.fastq.gz”Free text
Instrument modelThe sequencing instrument model used in the experimentmandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials

Genomic FASTA

This metadata referential has 14 fields describing:

  • The biological sample
    • 7 mandatory
    • 5 optional
  • The isolated microorganism
    • 1 mandatory
  • The assembly data
    • 1 mandatory

Biological sample metadata fields (12 fields)

Field nameDescriptionStatusValidationAccepted values
Sample IDID of the samplemandatorySample ID must be unique in the whole documentFree text
Strain IDName of the isolated strainmandatoryStrain ID must be unique in the whole documentFree text
Sample typeIndicate if the sample is collected on human, on animal or in an environmentmandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” section
Sample sourceSite of isolation of the samplemandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” section
Host speciesSpecies of the hostmandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” section
CountryName of the country in which the sample has been collectedmandatoryCountry english full nameSee “Fields values” section
RegionRegion where the sample has been collectedoptionalOne of the accepted valuesSee on ABRomics analyses platform
PlacePlace where the sample has been collectedoptionalOne of the accepted valuesSee on ABRomics analyses platform
Collected dateThe date of samplingmandatoryMust be a valid full date. For example: 07/10/2024Must be a valid full date
Travel countriesCountries where the host travelled to in the last 3 months prior to the samplingoptionalCountry english full name. If multiple countries, separate each by commaSee “Fields values” section
Accession numberAccession numbers associated with the sampleoptionalMultiple values should be split by ‘;’Free text
Sample commentAny comments on the sampleoptionalFree textFree text

Isolated microorganism field (1 field)

Field nameDescriptionStatusValidationAccepted values
Microorganism scientific nameScientific name of the isolated microorganismmandatoryOne of the accepted valuesSee “Fields values” of Metadata referentials

Assembly data metadata field (1 field)

Field nameDescriptionStatusValidationAccepted values
Fasta filenameName of fasta filemandatoryThe filename must end by “.fasta”Free text