Job offer: bioinformatician in microbiome analysis

IFB is looking for a bioinformatics engineer for microbiome analysis who will be actively involved in the Implementation Study 4 “FAIR integration and sharing of new data deluge in microbiome research” of the Mutualized Digital Spaces for FAIR Life and Health Sciences (MUDIS4LS, PIA3 ESR/Equipex+) project.

The person will be recruited in the Laboratory of Bioinformatics Analysis for Genomics and Metabolism (MicroScope platform at Evry/Genoscope, member of IFB) and will work in close collaboration with the InfoBioStat team from the MetaGenoPolis unit (INRAE). These two teams are also responsible for monitoring the interdisciplinary initiatives of other IFB projects, including ABRomics.

=> more information on the position